BK Dec 02, 2024

Former NBA player raised $60M for Venture Fund


Former NBA athlete Omri Casspi has raised $60 million for his latest venture fund, Swish Ventures, which will invest in early-stage cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure, and AI startups. The fund plans to back 10 companies, and will invest $5 million to $7 million per deal.

Swish Ventures is Casspi’s second fund following the launch of Sheva Capital, a $36 million fund, in 2022. Casspi said he manages Sheva’s portfolio now that its investment period has concluded. “I’m fully hands-on continuing the growth of our companies, but we will not be raising another fund under Sheva,” Casspi told TechCrunch, explaining his role in overseeing both funds.


  • Randy OrtonWe will see more of this. Silicon Valley NBA Tech Bros.
    3 Months Ago
  • Ad AgencySerena Williams has her venture fund. He has his. All looking for the next unicorn. This should be fun.
    3 Months Ago
  • Creative DirectorImpressive plan. Invest in 10 of them and one will probably go to the moon.
    3 Months Ago
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