#Drake #Gently #DanceClub #BadBunny
Don't know where to begin or how I would end.
Ample sample
too much for me fr
can't stop staring...
natural or enhanced?
That's a whole roll of TP
At the Club with this Bad Bunny
so awesome!
this is the best bunny video
Love this
Bad Bunny fashion
#Drake #Fashion #BadBunny
she does look like AOC fr. Probably how AOC acts off-camera too
AOC showing her assets
Fashion friendly
Bad Bunny fashion
#Drake #Fitness #JumpRope #BadBunny
I can't even do this fr
difficult to pull this off
real talk she's athletic af
Bad Bunny fitness
#EiffelTower #Paris #BadBunny
gorgeous and elegant!
she's very pretty
peep the cakes
Eiffel Tower in Paris
Too much for me
flat stomach probably
ample posterior
she need a spotter?
Bad Bunny fitness
She can kick me anytime
Great video
Got skillz
Bad Bunny soccer
They always hate on the baddies
fine AF
She may snatch up your dude
They will hate you regardless. She's right.
Bad AF
haters gonna hate
Bad Bunny says Fukk the Haters
I'm standing in line 8 blocks away
I'll make several appointments for my nose hairs, beard, forearms...
Haircut at any cost fr
is she licensed?
she's on to something big here
Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #BuzzCut #Barber
Dope cut fr
Lines around the block like a Black Friday sale
versatile vixen
gorgeously talented
Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Mullet #Barber
Should franchise nationwide with her lookalikes
I'll do a mullet now fr. Every damn day.
Mullets are cool Just no long tail please
Mullets making a comeback?
Mullet magic
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring a Curly Mullet
#BadBunny #Beard #Colombiana #Denim
This guy is all business
Licensed to slay
Denim FTW
Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #TaperFade #Denim #Colombiana
Dope in Denim
Wonder what he's saying?
I'm back again, 4th time time this week
Calling for my appointment every Thursday for the next 5 years
Sir, weren't you here yesterday and the day before that?
she's actually talented
Denim FTW
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring the taper fade
#BadBunny #TaperFade #Denim #Colombiana
Best Barber in America
I'm going to grow a beard & a stache just to book more appointments
Strong stache
he needs Clearasil too
She does denim better than haircuts
Taper Fade at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #MulletTaper #LouisVuitton #Colombiana
Light mullet. Not extreme 80s style.
She barely cut anything but beard game is on point.
expensive azz barber cape
LV with the cameo
very well done...the haircut that is
Mullet taper at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #DropFade #TexturedTop #Colombiana
Love all her cuts
She's serious about her craft
This dude got extra service?
this was cute as is he
he appreciates greatness
Drop fade with textured top at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #SkinFade #Barber
Very cute
Wifin her on my first appointment
A barber chair in her kitchen?
I'll sleep in the chair to stay longer
Sir, your appointment is now over. He's like: but why???
she's gorgeous
Skin Fade at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #LineDesign #SkinFade #Barber
at least get 3 stripes like Adidas, no?
Just how I like em
Good lawdd
Not sure what 2 stripes does for him
Booked solid til 2040
she's amazing
Skin Fade Line Design at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Braids #Beard #Barber #Makeover
I could use a touch up ngl
He needed an army for that disaster
dynamic duo to the rescue
Total Makeover at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #LowTaper #Barber #NeckTattoo
His tattoo is fascinating as is her beautiful dress
His tat is legit
sky blue pops
He's sloppy, she's definitely not
She's just amazing
We're here to see her not his crummy neck tattoo
Low Taper at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
Go girl
can learn a thing or two
Looks legit
I could actually learn from this
Bad Bunny Salsa
#BadBunny #Beard #Scissors
highly skilled barber
She's gifted
Getting a frequent customer card stamped 45 times lol
Sir, why is this your 5th appointment of the day???
Elite Scissor Game at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #MidFade #CurlyTop #Haircut
royally blue
Called 25 times for an appointment still on waiting list
My hair just grew 6 inches lol
Every hairstyle in her arsenal
MidFade Curly Top at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #LineDesign #XMark
Stunning artist
Pink Panther
Perfect haircut but wtf is that X for?
She will never be without customers
pink suits her tremendously well
I'm back again for my 3rd haircut this week
Sir, haven't I seen you 6 times this week already??
Line Design and X Mark at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #MidFade #Beard #Barber #Makeover
gray is my new favorite color fr
So lovely
very impressive
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring the Mid Fade
#BadBunny #Denim #Razor #Colombiana
Would trust her with all my hairs
He trusts her and I think I WOOD too
keeps me coming back for another haircut this week
he wasn't thinking about anything else with that razor in her hand
Straight Edge Razor Game at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #LiteFade #Beard #Colombiana
Buying a wig so she can cut that 3 times/week
lucky customer
Lady in Red featuring Klay Thompson's twin
Lite Fade at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #HigherFade #BarberGirl
Can't get thru. Busy signal for past 8 yrs.
kind of crooked haircut in the back-oops
soccer gear or anything works
So amazing
wonder what the convo is about?
Too high
Higher Fade at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #DropFade #BlowDryer #Colombiana
He might need Rogaine soon.
my favorite video jfc!
I wouldn't leave that chair. She gettin OT pay fr
lucky patron
Drop Fade using blow dryer at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Pacinos #MatteCream #Colombiana
She's so amazing
Pacinos getting shine- pun intended
she's so pretty
How this fat dude get all her attention wtf
She even gets endorsements
Lucky mfer
fun times
This dude is a frequent customer
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring Pacinos Signature Line Matte Cream
#BadBunny #Dreams #FleetwoodMac #TouchUp
Don't hate on the arm tatts
good lawddd
eye contact FTW!
Ready for my touch up
he's her favorite apparently
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring Dreams by Fleetwood Mac (2018 Remaster)
#BadBunny #Razor #Pink #BlowDryer #Fade
This guy must pay $900/hour for all her attention.
I'm traveling to wherever
She has favorites I'm jealous
pretty in pink indeed
This guy gets 8 appointments each week
coming in for my 6th haircut this week...
Pretty in Pink at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #KitchenCut #SkinFade #HouseCall
shave that stache too
gorgeous long hair
porn stache of the client
I have a hair emergency every day now
she can charge $500/haircut and get it
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring a House Call
#BadBunny #DropFade #Colombiana
He needs beard trim too. Looks a hot mess.
baddest barber in 'Merica
BarbHer Shop
I would put her on salary for haircuts M-Fri. Weekends off.
Envious of her body
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring the drop fade.
#BadBunny #TaperFade #Kendrick
I wouldn't leave that chair.
Wet & curly
talented & gorgeous
illegal to be that fine
Taper Fade with some Kendrick Lamar (Not Like Us) at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop.
#BadBunny #BurstFade #BuzzCut #TruthOrDare #Tyla
Love when she looks at the camera
She's very beautiful
Speaking of burst...
Not fair
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring the Burst Fade Buzz Cut
#BadBunny #MidFade #Beard
very very gifted barber
Love her tattoos
how do I cut to the front of the line?
never tired of seeing her but tired of his face
Mid Fade and beard at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Beard #SexyyRed #Blade
extremely gifted with the blade and blow dryer
Scary blade but well worth the experience
Sexyy Reddddd
Skillful with a blade. Don't get her mad.
gifted & talented
Burst fade & Sexyy Red at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Mullet #Taper #Colombiana
I'm guessing she's 5'5" tall?
never ever gets old
She looks good in all outfits.
weekly appointment booked solid for 2025 and beyond
Mullet with taper at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #SinkWork #Spicy
Spicy frfr
Fan favorite
The undeniable star of Convochat
She's giving brothas a chance in the chair-nice.
The pick action
a new customer finally
Sink Work at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Brown #TaperFade #LongHair
Lucky guy
He barely got a haircut. Just an excuse to sit in her chair.
Oh my Lord
fukkin amazing
Better than UPS
Should be a national star.
What can Brown do for you at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop?
#BadBunny #BlowDryer #MidFade
Love Convochat
Waiting for an appointment but been placed on hold for 2 weeks.
8 inch waist on a baddie body
If you're being picky, she might have too many tattoos
Sick of this fat dude, but definitely not her
white jeans never looked so good
Mid Fade using a blow dryer at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Maluma #BlingBling #TaperFade
Sweet like a tangerine
she can franchise this nationally with her doppelgangers
Shave that fool's stache too
What I wouldn't spare to sit in that chair
my Orange Crush
Taper Fade starring Maluma at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Mullet #BlowDryer #Aqua
$1K haircut sign me TF up
Time to book an appointment. My 8th this month.
Retro style
My whole salary for one haircut fr
Dolphin fan?
She's gifted and talented
Mullet Magic at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #MidFade #LineDesign
She's skilled with that Z.
She is really a talented barber
Tuff fade just design is wack but not her fault
Carves a Z into his head + 2 stripes? Great idea.
MidFade & Line Design at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Beardline #Pacinos #QuickFade
Can't have enough of her videos
Smokeshow Artist
Wifey material
Never disappoints
Impressive beard work
Beardline precision at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #SexyyRed #MidFade
flowers never looked so good
wowza and I'm a woman
Could watch all the barber shop videos all day long.
Spectacular outfit and haircut
Mid Fade playing Sexyy Red at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Braids #TaperFade #Design
his haircut is not for me but she is
hairstyles of all types I see
girly braids are not for me
Low key come to Convochat for the Barber Shop videos ngl
Pink Panther is precise with pretty precision.
Pink pants, shaver and that design is tuff.
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring taper fade with design.
my favorite
didn't know I would consider a blowout but perhaps now I will
her best outfit yet and that's saying a ton
Barber shop videos are the best
Schedule clear for 2025? Probably not. Book me for 20 appointments after June then.
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring high blow out taper.
#BadBunny #Beardwork #MiniTaper
Going to grow a beard just to get an appointment.
skillful and sensational
didn't like yellow on anything until now
clean beard is the difference between homeless and handsome looking
from grizzly bear to polished beard
making my appointments for 2025. Put me down for 24 appointments (twice/month).
he needed that beardwork frfr
Beadwork and mini taper at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop.
#BadBunny #DropFade #Colombiana
Actually a very good haircut
Came in scraggly, left like a soldier
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring Drop Fade transformation
#BadBunny #TVOff #KendrickLamar #DropFade
Blonde Bomber
the blond on him looks weird but not on her
Kendrick Lamar's TV Off playing at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
love these barber shop videos
I'll take all appointments for 2025
Continues to amaze
QLONA playing at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #Mullet #Taper #Colombiana
She does every possible style
she keeps me coming back to this site
Tangerine FTW
he's in rarefied air sitting in that chair
Equal opportunity haircuts
Mullet taper at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop