Put up a good fight
got smoked
National Championship Game: Huskies vs. Wolverines
They may dominate late December/early January sports.
gonna be huge
Expansion to 12 teams means expan$ion on dollar$.
ESPN remains very relevant.
They printing cash
6-year extension at $1.2 Billion/year
#CFP #12TeamField #Oregon #BoiseSt #Indiana
I for one don't want an SEC team to win.
Boise St VS Oregon final lol
Who predicted SMU, Indiana and Arizona State as part of the 12 teams? Answer: Nobody.
No Alabama? Imagine that??
CFP 12-team includes Oregon, Indiana, Notre Dame, Arizona St, Clemson & SMU
#Cheers #CFPFinalists #OhioSt #NotreDame
Texas and Penn State just thought they had it in the bag until they didn't...
Irish gonna pull off the upset.
should be exciting
Not many people picked the Irish to make it
Irish are the underdogs
Cheers to Ohio St and Notre Dame for reaching the CFP Championship Game.
#CFP2025 #14MillionEach #ND #Texas #OhioSt #PennSt
great helmets
Ohio State and Penn State get $14 mill each but divided by 20 teams lol. Rutgers/Purdue/Nebraska get to eat off OSU's/PSU's table.
ND stays independently wealthy
ND gets to keep all $14 million. Being independent pays.
Each team in the CFP Seminfinal gets $14M to be shared by its conference. ND is independent.