Mr. Everywhere
New idol
This Dune is Willy Wonka
very bright present & future
Winning fr
Kid is everywhere
Mr. Wonka
Not as handsome as me
nicely done!
Timothee Hunk
Now he's playing Bob Dylan. I see Oscar noms in his future.
Wonka win$
Kinda looks like Wilder
Wonka starring Timothee Chalomet
Dating a Jenner now?
Money man
He's 28 but looks 21
Wonka starring Timothee Chalomet
#Bleu #Chanel #Timothee #Chalamet
Baggin roles
Not a gym rat
not gonna criticize his big head or pencil neck
Man of the hour
Mr. Wonka for Bleu
My mannn
Mr. Popular
Timothee Chalamet for Bleu de Chanel. Fragrance for men.