#BadBunny #DropFade #TexturedTop #Colombiana
Love all her cuts
She's serious about her craft
This dude got extra service?
this was cute as is he
he appreciates greatness
Drop fade with textured top at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #DropFade #BlowDryer #Colombiana
He might need Rogaine soon.
my favorite video jfc!
I wouldn't leave that chair. She gettin OT pay fr
lucky patron
Drop Fade using blow dryer at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #DropFade #Colombiana
He needs beard trim too. Looks a hot mess.
baddest barber in 'Merica
BarbHer Shop
I would put her on salary for haircuts M-Fri. Weekends off.
Envious of her body
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring the drop fade.
#BadBunny #DropFade #Colombiana
Actually a very good haircut
Came in scraggly, left like a soldier
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring Drop Fade transformation
#BadBunny #TVOff #KendrickLamar #DropFade
Not a fan of his hair concoction.
Blonde Bomber
the blond on him looks weird but not on her
Kendrick Lamar's TV Off playing at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#BadBunny #MidDropFade #LeopardPrint
Does every haircut to perfection
Wiggle Wiggle I love the Jiggle
Jungle Love
A leopard never changes her HOTS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Cheetah Girl
Bad Bunny Barber Shop featuring Mid Drop Fade and Leopard Print.