Jolly Rancher green
he looks very wealthy
he looks like he can afford it
Perfect machine
I wish
another level
Lamborghini Revuelto
Winners' car
Couldn't tell my shitt
Gorgeous vehicle in yellow
Yellow lambo. Would take it in orange.
the best
Lamborghini Revuelto
#Lamborghini #RickRoss #Luxelife
Mornin Glory
Biggest bezel Ricky Rezzel
Rick Ross enjoying LuxeLife
#Lamborghini #Countach #Bronze
damn maybe orange would be better but I'd take bronze
What's not to like?
Bronze is different
color is tuff
I so wish
perfect and the bronze is unique
Lamborghini Countach in Bronzo Zante
#Lamborghini #Huracan #Gold
My car awaits. Thank you valet.
great color
Can someone buy me this please?
beautiful vehicle
Lamborghini gold Huracan
#Lamborghini #Huracan #Gold
Couldn't tell me shyttt
I can only dream
might ride too low but still perfect
Lamborghini Huracan in Gold
#Monaco #LuxuryCars #Lambos
Ho hum just some Lambos...
they ride extremely low but it's still my dream car
that's how to pull up
Love the yellow
Typical day in Monaco...many Lamborghinis
#Lambos #BlackCars #Kanye
No complaints here
Hard to hate on a Lambo collection
Have one to spare?
I would have orange, red, white...just hating I suppose
Needs some diversity
Black Lamborghini collection
#CrazyLambo #Speed #Racer
Boy playing grown man games
Gettin lapped
Didn't like losing so he starts to whine
looks like a race of Lambos
Crazy Lambo in traffic
King Kong ain't got nothin on him
That car is incredible
Big mfer
run that car over here since he can't fit
Perfect color
I'll take that car fr
toy car for him
That color is 🔥 🔥 🔥
Giant Life in the Lambo
#Lambo #Revuelto #Euro2024
great marketing
Unexpected ending
Well done
creative video & beautiful car
that blue is sick
Lamborghini celebrates the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship.
#Monaco #France #Lambo #Ferrari
Urus, Maserati and all the beautiful people...
Enviable lifestyle
dimes all over
exceptionally beautiful...ALL of it
Absolutely need to go there
Monaco Lifestyle
#Lamborghini #Huracan #TecnicaBlue
perfect shade of blue
never heard of tecnica blue but it's nice
love this color for any sports car
Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica Blue
#Lamborghini #Aqua #GiantLife
if you like tight pants and the girly jeggings🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Belongs in the WWE
Wrong pants bro
Legit Lambo but lose the girly leggings fr
6'10" 260 tryin to fit in a Lambo? C'mon bro
tight fit in the car and pants
needs a damn SUV
Giant Lambo Life
#Lamborghini #Countach #Miami
I'll take 2 please
No technical difficulties I hope
Definitely Miami vibe
head turner
The doors are straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Extremely low to the ground
Lamborghini Countach in Miami
#Lamborghini #Huracan #SpiderDuo
orange or pink leased out for lower payments please
Not feelin the yellow but it's a Lambo so I'll get over it
Give me twins with those twins
red light attention-grabbers
Can only imagine
Double trouble
Lamborghini Huracan Spider Duo
#Lamborghini #Aventador #Ultimae
pink please
Love the red
Red wheels. Red bottoms?
Can't argue
Wolf Grey
Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae
#Lamborghini #HawkTuah #Huracan #Evo #Spyder
Get plenty of Hawk Tuah from this Huracan
More famous than Caitlyn Clark
She's so famous Talk To'Em podcast too
that midnight blue works for me
my bess frenn of 2024
Spit on that thang
Time Person of the Year
Legend of 2024
great video
The Lamborghini Huracan Evo Spyder
#MonzaExotics #Lamborghini #CarRentals
don't dare me with a good time
her trunk is bigger than that Lambo's
followed her lead and her instructions
Ain't gotta tell me twice
Double entendre
MonzaExotics.com car rental agency in Huntington Beach California.
Future featured
Mr. Steal Your Girl reporting for Duty 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
she's lettin you know you betta come correct
she's waiting for the owner to arrive to ditch her fiancee lmaofff
most would rather the car
She got a rock on that hand
I'm solddd
Lamborghini Urus
Where's the Urus?
Lambo Living
the girl or the ride? pick one? I'll take the ride and get 20 more like her next week with that ride.
my favorite car video of all time
Influencer extraordinaire
Top-20 video on here
Lamborghini Urus
can you say perfect?
rule the road with this ride
high energy video
a-door this
dope sh!t
Lamborghini Aventador
#Lamborghini #RollsRoyce #Rolex
flexin like a bosss
all the trappings of showy wealth
Rolex is the cheapest of the bunch.
definitely flexinn
Flexing the Rolex, Rolls Royce and the Lamborghini
mo Lambos no problems
couldn't tell me shyt
young man's dream car
Lucky guy
too low to the ground so I'll be a hater
he's got it made
Lamborghini Aventador
come along and pay close attention
I'm barely noticing the Lambos
she knows HOT to sell cars
Caked up with plenty of dough for the ride.
Great way to sell 2 Lambos.
Lamborghini Huracans
#Lamborghini #Huracan #Grey
she sells it extremely well
can't fit a grape in that truck but who cares?
Junk in the trunk? The Lambo I mean :)
Great way to sell grey
underrated video
Lamborghini Huracan
#Lamborghini #Urus #RollsRoyce #Maybach #Porsche
take all except the Cybertruck
really undecided
Tesla Cybertruck made the cut here
Over 5 million of cars here.
Dream video. Need this in VR glasses to imprint in my brain for 2 hours frfr
Embarrassment of riches
show off
Lambo all day everyday
Wealthy Choices: which do you choose?
#Lamborghini #Huracan #EVO
I'm following her phuck the car
hair longer than the length of the car
Once she walks, all eyes are off the Lambo.
just another Lambo model
Lamborghini Huracan EVO
#Lamborghini #Huracan #EVO
ready to speed
Beautiful machine
red seats are killer
Lamborghini Huracan EVO Spyder
#Lamborghini #DavidGuetta
Only if you can lease it or have Bezos money.
hor$e powered
What's not to love?
Sexy B!tch
My twins
love this
dat blue is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
can't go wrong with either color
Lamborghini Urus
one day soon
nailed it
thing of beauty
Lamborghini Urus up close
#Lamborghini #BabyStroller
If ya got it, stroll with it
Would get one but never having kids
Goes 0 to 60 in $5,000 seconds
Flexin' wit a baby carriage
Better not leave it unattended at the mall...
Lamborghini Baby Stroller retails for $5,000.00 USD