Little guy was embarrassed
Low key embarrassing
When your max is his warmup
Is this a deadlift or PowerCLEAN? :)
10 on difficulty scale
Tougher than it looks
Very awesome
Killer ab workout
Core fundamentals
#Workout #SixPackBack #SixPack
He's got muscles on top of muscles.
Gotta balance that barbell too
Never seen a 6-pack back before
Six-Pack Back
Underrated video. Super impressive ab work.
perfect ab exercise
Difficulty scale: 9.5
Core fundamentals II
So fine
9 million likes lol
Click baity
Amazing workout
Sneaky good
best fitness video ever lol
amazing video
Morning fitness- fooled ya!
Enviable back
Pretty amazing back
Beast back
Back by popular demand
Back & Lat work
#Treadmill #Workout #Pool
Great backyard
Not yet pool season
break a sweat?
Treadmill life
#Dance #HolidayBonus #WorkLife
Will dance to eat
American idol for your bonus?
she ain't hungry
gotta eat somehow
Dance and Sing for your supper
Soph jinx
profile is getting larger
famous or something?
C.J. Stroud live on NFL Network SBLVIII
Kirk Cou$in$
Free agent 2024
Kirk Cousins on NFL Network SBLVIII Radio Row
Will this Eagle soar? Not likely.
free-agent in 2024. Imagine on the Chiefs??
Saquon Barkley on NFL Network SBLVIII Radio Row
Pro Bowl next year
won my fantasy league for me this year
star on the rise
Puka Nacua on NFL Network SBLVIII Radio Row
#Rihanna #Work #Mandalay #Vegas
Drake finds himself in every video
great video
My favorite Riri song
Rihanna- Work
#BadBunny #SinkWork #Spicy
Spicy frfr
Fan favorite
The undeniable star of Convochat
She's giving brothas a chance in the chair-nice.
The pick action
a new customer finally
Sink Work at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop
#Workforce #USA #Jobs #NewEmployment
Wonder why they won't be staiNG
count me as part of that 48% for sure
A major major problem
They really mean 6 months fr
And they'll be working Doordash or driving Lyft on weekends
Only getting worse in this gig economy
Revolving door in every office.
48% of the American workforce will be seeking new employment in the next 12 months.
#BadBunny #Beardwork #MiniTaper
very solid beard work
Going to grow a beard just to get an appointment.
skillful and sensational
didn't like yellow on anything until now
clean beard is the difference between homeless and handsome looking
from grizzly bear to polished beard
making my appointments for 2025. Put me down for 24 appointments (twice/month).
he needed that beardwork frfr
Beadwork and mini taper at the Bad Bunny Barber Shop.
#AnnualWorkingHours #Mexico #CostaRica #Chile
No Phillipines? No African countries? I call BS.
How is China not on this list?
No surprise with France near the bottom of the list
Germans are slackers?
Mexicans do it better?
Mexico leads the world in Annual Working Hours Per Person.